António Eduardo Costa Correia, also known as Alamaos, born February 2, 1998, and from Azores, Portugal.
Founder of the GhostSyndicate clan, started his gaming career back in 2007, whose presence has been strong among
the most famous games and ending up winning the "World Students Championship 2007" in the very same year he
started gaming. Then in 2009 became one of the very first to ever play Minecraft and host a server that reached
an average of 500 players daily till it ended in 2012 when all servers/computers got fried by a thunderstorm
which also terminated his gaming career. It was in 2018 that he managed to restart his gaming career which
stands till today.
Currently studying Computer Sciences at Universidade dos Açores, he dreams about being one of the world's
greatest developers and programmers on the gaming feel and wishes to be able to bring his former
community back to life.